Saturday, January 15, 2005

A prediction.

I am about to do my Nostrodamus impersonation.

I've looked into the Blogsphere, the fires are bright colors of blue and orange.

My prediction is that within a years time, the Iraqi people will get fed up and utterly root out and destroy the terrorist elements in their country. I think Sunni, Shia and Kurd will join together in this task which will bind them together unlike they've ever been in history. They'll start calling themselves free.

Well, there we go. After reading about a dozen Iraqi blogs lately....this is the impression I'm getting.

Of course, I'm no fortune teller or seer but I have this gut feeling after reading those blogs. I hope I'm right.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger DangerGirl said...

"My prediction is that within a years time, the Iraqi people will get fed up and utterly root out and destroy the terrorist elements in their country. I think Sunni, Shia and Kurd will join together in this task which will bind them together unlike they've ever been in history. They'll start calling themselves free"

From Your blog to God's ears!


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