I'm 39 years old, was born in Rhode Island and grew up there. At age 18 I joined the Rhode Island National Guard while I was going to school. At age 20, I went active and have been stationed at Ft. Riley, KS; Korea; Ft. Hood, TX; and Ft. Drum, NY as part of the 10th Mountain Division, the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, CA, Military Transition Team in Iraq, and now a Ground Liaison to the Air Force at Dyess AFB, TX.
I have seven deployments. One each to Korea, Bosnia and Kosovo, three to Iraq and then one to the Middle East in general supporting both OEF and OND.
Good Luck Bryan....Our paths have crossed in the blogsphere and your comments are extremely insightful and deeply intelligent.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts from Iraq.
Stay Safe.
By the way, Huntress. I didn't have time to tell you that I love your blog. It'll be one of the few I visit while gone.
Stay safe. Hollywood refugee.
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